SHELTER VERSION LOG 0.0.1 DEV - Working archmap loader - Working collision detection with walls - Working state handler (gamestate/menustate) 0.0.2 DEV - Raw version of console state added (commands: help, clear, getpos, setpos, mapinfo) 0.0.3 DEV - Added database loader - Added javascript engine - Added event activation 0.0.4 DEV - Added messagebox and optionbox that can be called from javascript - Added player inventory that can be managed from console and javascript - Added teleport command - Working existence variable system 0.0.5 DEV - Added uncomplete version of the menu system 0.0.6 DEV - More complete version of the menu menu system - Color shading based on time + javascript controlled custom shade - Time and date system that can be managed from console and javascript - Tweaked font on messagebox and optionbox - Flash screen effect - Weather system - Crafting system - Sickness system